Passengers give PostBus good scores
Passengers feel very safe in Postbuses and also give top marks to the drivers. We’d like to say a big thank you!
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The customer satisfaction survey is like an annual medical check-up. We gauge the mood of our passengers. The 2022 results represent a pleasing confirmation and further motivation for us:
- Our passengers are very satisfied with our drivers (86 out of 100 points, previous year: 88).
- Although punctuality (82 points, previous year: 86) and the timetable (77, previous year: 80) were rated slightly more critically than in 2021, these key figures are also good to very good.
- It is pleasing that the sense of security has actually increased with 89 points (previous year: 88) and is very high in a long-term comparison.
- The journey quality in a Postbus also received a very good score of 85 points (previous year: 85).
The three key indicators are very encouraging
Overall satisfaction: 80 points
(previous year: 81)
Easy-to-understand services: 86 points
(previous year: 84)
Recommend PostBus: 87 points
(previous year: 87)
We’d like to thank our passengers for their loyalty and trust. We look forward to sharing many more journeys together!