Urban routes in Boudry and the surrounding area

Travel to the Boudry region and (re)discover the benefits of public transport!

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Routes and timetables

Discover the timetables for routes 612 (Boudry−Gorgier/St-Aubin)Target not accessible and 613 (Boudry−Cortaillod)Target not accessible, located in zones 11 and 15 of the ONDE VERTE fare networkTarget not accessible, as well as the PostBus network map (PDF, 528.2 KB) for these urban routes.

Tickets and prices

A single transport ticket

Thanks to ONDE VERTE, a single ticket is all you need to travel with PostBus and other public transport companies in the Canton of Neuchâtel and neighbouring districts in the Cantons of Bern and Jura.

Prices and more information can be found at ondeverte.chTarget not accessible.


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Traffic information

The latest important traffic information can be found directly in the online timetable.

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WiFi in Postbuses

City buses offer free Internet access. To use the service, you must complete a one-off registration in a Postbus equipped with WiFi. 

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