Bus Sédunois
Local public transport in the city of Sion
PostBus has operated the Bus Sédunois services on behalf of the municipality of Sion since August 1998. The complete network is represented by four routes serving the various districts of the Valais capital.
Routes and timetables
New: fare zone extended to Conthey and St-Léonard, journey extended on route BS12 towards the healthcare district and journey modified on route BS14 via the music district (stop: Brasserie).
The complete network is represented by four routes serving the various districts of the Valais capital:
Rich Content Section
All prices are indicated in CHF, VAT included, subject to price changes.
All Bus Sédunois tickets can be purchased at PostBus and SBB counters in Sion, at the SBB terminals, online at www.sbb.ch, on the SBB app or from the Bus Sédunois drivers. Only monthly or annual travelcards cannot be purchased from a driver.
Do you have any questions or is anything unclear?
Your PostBus counter, located in the Swiss Post branch at Sion railway station, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Bus Sédunois (postauto.ch)
Tel.: 0848 818 818 (CHF 0.08 / min.)
E-mail: info@carpostal.ch