School bus services
A large number of students travel safely from their front door to the school building thanks to PostBus. They use PostBus school bus services to travel to school. Where there are no school buses, children can use the scheduled services available.
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The secure and reliable bus service for students
Many students use PostBus school bus services to travel to school. Safety and reliability are the top priorities. The seats in the vehicles used exclusively for school bus services are fitted with safety belts.
For parents
If you have any questions about the school transport timetable, you can contact your municipality or the school management.
For students and teachers
PostBus on a visit to your school
Children and young people can learn about using Postbuses and public transport correctly at an early stage. PostBus offers school visits by mediators. They use a toolbox with various documents for different age groups. All teaching units are available in German, French and Italian.
The individual teaching materials, available in German, French and Italian, can be obtained by teachers free of charge from Lernmedien Post.
The 10 rules (PDF, 1.7 MB) from PostBus explain to children the correct behaviour on scheduled buses and school buses (PDF, 476.1 KB). The “My Postbus” (PDF, 3.8 MB) comic can be used as a teaching aid during lessons.
Travelling to school alone by Postbus: a very special experience, also for Theo and Mia, whose story is told in the book “Theo and Mia out and about”.
- Teachers can order the travel logbook free of charge from Lernmedien Post.
A Postbus children’s song was also composed to complement the book (© Music and text: Linard Bardill/Drachäleon). Simply download the song sheet and playback version for your own interpretation during the music lesson.
- Postbus children’s song sheet (PDF, 43.2 KB)
- Postbus children’s song playback version (MP3, 3.4 MB)
- Postbus children’s song (MP3, 4.7 MB)
- Postbus children’s song “PostifahrtTarget not accessible ” sung by Linard Bardill and choir as part of Public Transport Children’s Day on 25 September 2014 in Chur
In the first part of the travel logbook, the students learn about the most important steps and tools in travel planning. In the second part of the book, they can immediately apply their new knowledge and record images and other reminder notes.
- Teachers can order the travel logbook free of charge from Lernmedien Post.
Mediators from PostBus aim to foster greater respect, a better atmosphere, less violence and damage, leading to as few accidents as possible.
The main work of mediators consists of school visits to classes of 5–16 year olds. They explain the job of a driver as well as correct behaviour in Postbuses and at bus stops. The service is aimed at students who travel with PostBus, and their schools. You can find the details for questions about this service under “Contact”.