Valais romand night bus

The Valais romand night buses will get you home calmly and safely. Discover the routes available to you below.

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Tickets and prices

The price of a ticket is CHF 3.00 to CHF 5.00, depending on the route taken. Tickets are available for purchase on the SBB Mobile app, at SBB ticket machines or from the bus driver.

For the Val d’Hérens night bus, booking is mandatory via the app until 11.30 p.m. More information can be found at

No concessions are accepted (school travelcard, GA Travelcard, Half Price Travelcard, Night GA Travelcard, etc.)

New: purchase your ticket for the night bus in advance directly in the SBB Mobile app or at SBB ticket machines.

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Traffic information

All of the main traffic news in real time is available directly in the online timetable.

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WiFi in Postbuses

Night buses offer free Internet access. To benefit from this, you will need to register once while on a Postbus.

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